Do you suspect you may have ADHD?

Female ADHD Test

If you relate to any of the information about ADHD in women, take this female ADHD test:

NOTE: This self-test is not intended to diagnose or to replace the care of a health care professional. Only a doctor or mental health professional can diagnose ADHD based on clinical evaluation.

Next Steps

If you suspect you may have ADHD, share your results with your medical provider. A diagnosis can provide you with the tools and resources to help manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life. Treatment options can include medication, therapy, and lifestyle modifications such as exercise and mindfulness practices.

Support Groups

Remember, ADHD is a common condition that does not discriminate. You are not alone, and there is no shame in seeking help.

Make a Donation

If this information opened your eyes to your own mental health or has given you more empathy to those who may struggle with ADHD, please consider donating so that we can continue to establish programs and services for ADHD communities in Canada.