Level: Beginner Distance: 1km Elevation: Minimal
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The ‘Indian Head’ is another feature of the canyon. It is a large rock column that can be seen from the second viewing platform. The Indian Head has a legend associated with it. A long time ago, there was a giant named Omett. He helped Nanabijou make mountains and lakes. Omett fell in love with Nanabijou’s daughter Naiomi. One day, Omett was moving a mountain when part of it fell off and killed Naiomi. Omett quickly hid Naiomi. Nanabijou desperately looked for his daughter. When he sensed something underground, he sent a thunderbolt to split open the ground which created a canyon and he discovered his daughter at its bottom. He buried her there and to punish Omett he turned him into stone and put him on the canyon walls to watch Naiomi’s grave forever.


The accessible, 1 km loop trail leads to two viewing platforms overlooking the canyon. The platforms display interpretive panels that explain the unusual ecology. The trail runs well back from the canyon’s edge but children should still be restrained from wandering as there are no fences along the canyon edge and the forest goes right to the edge so it is hard to see where it is.

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