Explore Your Own Backyard


“Explore Your Own Backyard” is a photo essay I created to highlight the beauty and hidden gems found in familiar, everyday environments. Using original photography, I captured the details of nature and landscapes that often go unnoticed in our own neighborhoods. The project encourages viewers to appreciate the outdoors around them, showcasing how even local spaces can provide inspiration and adventure through a fresh perspective.

Explore Your Own Backyard

Through the process of capturing these images, I’ve discovered that there is more to beauty than meets the eye. It’s not just about the sweeping landscapes and beautiful sunrises, but the subtle details and unique perspectives that often go unnoticed. By being receptive to the world around us, we can uncover new and unexpected forms of beauty that are waiting to be captured.

Furthermore, the editing process has taught me how to refine and enhance my photographic compositions. I’ve practiced and learned more about how to use lens corrections, adjust vignettes, straighten and crop images, and pay attention to details that can detract from the intended focus of the photograph. These small but important adjustments can transform a good picture into a great one.

The selection of images to include in a collection is a vital component of the artistic process. Each picture must complement and add to the overall theme, colour and tone of the collection. It’s not just about showcasing one’s best work, but creating a cohesive and visually appealing collection that tells a story.

Ultimately, the process of taking and editing photographs has taught me to appreciate the beauty in the details and look at things from a fresh perspective. It’s not just about capturing a moment, but about finding the right angle, lighting and composition to create a stunning work of art. And when the pieces come together, the end result is a beautiful mosaic that tells a story and evokes emotion of the viewer.

Blue Boulevard

Blue Boulevard

Trunk and Shadow

Trunk and Shadow

Nature's Looking Glass

Nature's Looking Glass

Peeling Bright

Peeling Bright

Infinite Love

Infinite Love

Tiny Typist

Tiny Typist

Cabin Comfort

Cabin Comfort

Twinkling Memories

Twinkling Memories

Reflections of Serenity

Reflections of Serenity

Enchanted Evening

Enchanted Evening

© 2024 Michelle Kelly