Discovering the World, One Cache at a Time: Why I Geocache

Michelle holding up an Official Geocache in the woods

Geocaching isn’t just a pastime; it’s a transformative journey that has enriched my life in ways I never imagined. What began as a simple family activity with my children has blossomed into a profound and deeply personal adventure.

Geocaching has become the bridge to unforgettable moments, stunning landscapes and unique out of the way locations that I might have otherwise overlooked. It’s an opportunity to bond with my loved ones as we explore new horizons together, and have fun with friends working as a team to uncover hidden treasures and solve clever puzzles.

This hobby isn’t merely about finding containers or signing logbooks; it’s about the thrill of the hunt, the satisfaction of a successful find, and the sense of accomplishment that comes with conquering challenges along the way.

So, why do I geocache? It’s because this hobby has taught me to appreciate the small joys, the hidden gems, and the extraordinary moments that life has to offer. It’s about forging connections, nurturing a sense of wonder, and embracing the world as my playground, one cache at a time.

Here are just a few of my favourite geocache finds:

  • Rusty the Dragon!

    Rusty the Dragon!

    Rusty the Dragon! This is a geocache that I had on my to-do list for three years before I finally had the opportunity to get there with my kids! Rusty is 10 feet tall, 14 feet long, covered in metal scales and breathes actual fire. GC5GG6V

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  • Free Spirit

    Free Spirit

    Free Spirit This is by far the most interesting geocache I’ve ever found. Located at a memorial plaque remembering the lives of three men who lost their lives in a plane crash of a Cesna N9881X October 26, 1971 in Hovland, MN. The wreckage and remains were finally found 12 years later on May 24th…

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  • First Cache

    First Cache

    Very First Geocache My very first geocache find has to make the list of favourites – just look at how little and cute the kids were!! ❤️

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  • Cute


    Cute Pictures! Some geocaches become favourites, simply because of the nice pictures of my family I get when we are searching together or made the find!

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  • Locations


    Locations Some geocaches become favourites, simply because of where it was found! Joshua Tree National Park

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  • Friends


    Friends I love turning “muggles” into geocachers.. or at least trying to! I appreciate everyone who helps me on the hunt!!

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