Women with ADHD Unite!

"Scatterbrained" | "Emotional" | "Too Much" | "Lazy"

Many women with ADHD go undiagnosed for years and are dismissed with these toxic labels.

Common Symptoms:

If any of these sound familiar, don't worry - you're not alone.

We believe that every woman with ADHD deserves to live a fulfilling life, and we're here to help you on that journey. We encourage you to explore the resources and information to help you understand ADHD, find how to seek a diagnosis, and learn about treatment options.

Together, we can navigate ADHD and create a brighter future.

It's time to break the Stigma

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is a neurological condition that can impact individuals of any gender, age, or background. However, many women with ADHD often go undiagnosed because the symptoms can be subtle and difficult to recognize. Women with ADHD may struggle with forgetfulness, disorganization, difficulty with time management, and impulsivity. They may also find it challenging to stay focused on tasks, manage their emotions, and prioritize responsibilities.

Raising awareness about ADHD in women is important, as a lack of diagnosis and treatment can impact their daily lives, relationships, and career prospects. Undiagnosed and misdiagnosed women often experience mood disorders, low self-esteem, and anxiety. They may feel ashamed or embarrassed about their symptoms and struggle in silence, unaware that help is available and that they are not alone. ADHD is a common condition that does not discriminate.

It is important to note, that women with ADHD can also have many unique strengths. They are often more creative, passionate, empathetic, and energetic than most. While masking their other symptoms, this can make them feel like an imposter. For this reason, many women who have received an ADHD diagnosis later in life experience relief with the answers it brings them. It can be tremendously healing and life changing.